Information Technology / case study

Streamlining Data Exchange and Securing Payment Transactions with a Versatile Web App for a Leading Blockchain Services Provider

Streamlining Data Exchange and Securing Payment Transactions with a Versatile Web App for a Leading Blockchain Services Provider

Complete story


    Technology Stack

    PHP 7.4, jQuery


    JWT Token


    SVN Version Control

    Client Overview

    The Client is making enterprise Blockchain easy & fast, accelerating Blockchain adoption for organizations & empowering them to innovate without barriers


    The Client required a Web Application that can share data publicly/privately securely. Online payments feature was also required.


    Q3 team developed a responsive Web Application which is helping the client to register user and can work Seller/Buyer both. Seller can set price of the data and duration for the accessible data.

    • Q3 team developed a responsive Web Application which is helping the client to register user and can work Seller/Buyer both. Seller can set price of the data and duration for the accessible data.
    • Stripe Online payment gateway is integrated to make payments
    • User can bid on offers within particular timeframe and make payments
    • User can create their private data network and invite other users to sell the data


    Private data network
    Bids on data offers
    Data selling/buying securely
    Online payments

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